(and the island's biggest fan-girl!)

Hi there, I'm Gina!

Driftwoods Photography, Gina Woods

I'm shamelessly in LOVE with Vancouver Island! I get ridiculously (and sometimes embarrassingly) excited about taking photos of people in the wilds of Vancouver Island!

Driftwoods Photography
Vancouver Island Photographer

I get all swoony over beautiful light, moss covered rocks, cedar trees and where the mountains meet the sea. Getting to take your picture in these stunning landscapes is the icing on the cake!! Gahh...the west coast gets me so fired up!!

Driftwoods Photography, Vancouver Island Photographer
Gina Woods, Vancouver Island Photographer

So, how did I get into this whole "Being a Photographer Who Takes Pictures of People Traveling on Vancouver Island" gig??

Here's the story...We are a hard-core travel loving family ourselves (think 32 countries and counting kind of hard-core!). My husband and I started traveling after university and never stopped or slowed down after having kids. Every time we go somewhere new, I look for and highly value local advice and experiences. I'm always looking for ways to get off the beaten path and love getting unique photos of our travels along the way.

I would often think..."Wouldn't it be great if there was someone who could show us cool places to go and also take photos of us all together while we are there?"

BOOM...I knew I had to be that person here on Vancouver Island! As a travel obsessed human, I get it. Traveling together creates memories like nothing else and you want those memories preserved so that you can relive them every time you look at your photos. There is so much value in that!

I want this to be so much more than just a photoshoot! It's a part of your travel experience. It's unforgettable and unique moments shared together with your loved ones. These moments and the stories they become are the ones that will be told again and again when you sit around the table together years from now and say..."Remember when we went to that gorgeous beach on Vancouver Island..."

And so, Driftwoods Photography was born! A photography company focused on planning and capturing your Vancouver Island travel adventures.

Driftwoods Photography Sailboat
Driftwoods Photography Gina Woods

But what about when I am not behind a camera lens?

You will probably find me sitting out on the deck of our sailboat Sakana with either a cup of coffee or a glass of wine in hand soaking up the west coast views and embarrassing my husband and two teenagers by saying..."Oh my gosh, this is soooo stinkin' beautiful!" BECAUSE IT IS BEAUTIFUL HERE!

So, whether you are a fellow local like myself or you are planning your Vancouver Island vacation, I would love to connect and talk about how I can help you capture your Vancouver Island adventures.

My Editing Style in One Word....natural

If you are going to invest in photography that will forever and ever be important to you, your photos should last a lifetime! So, I keep skin tones and colours natural and avoid editing trends bound to fall out of style. Nature is not neutral, and neither is my photography! My photography style is rich, bold, contrasted and true to life. You are putting me in charge of your memories, and I don't take that lightly! I want to capture you as you are right now, so I do not do any heavy editing/alteration of people's weight or features. I think you are beautiful just the way you are!

I'll be the first to say that my photography style isn't for everyone. But, if you are down for adventure, ready to have fun and be truly YOU in this beautiful landscape, then I might be the photographer for you!

I love meeting travelers from all over the world!

Showing you the magic of Vancouver Island is my specialty.

Let's get hyped about how beautiful this place is together!